Tr Does Espn


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Check out the TR dressing room on the set of the ESPN shoot today. Thanks a million to the good people that took the time out to participate in this really cool opportunity.

We were shooting a commercial for ESPN's app relaunch. It was awesome to meet the real Sparty, Benny the Bull and Otto the Orange. It was a long day, even though it was shortened, but we enjoyed it and we represented well. Let's cross our fingers that we pop up in the commercial!

Also, salute to Chris from Rotten Apple SC for showing true collaborative spirit. Respect.
The spots are now airing. There are 4 spots but only 2 of the 4 are playing right now. It was really cool to hear that they debuted on Monday Night Football! Unfortunately, I'm under strict instruction to not post the commercials to the internet. I can however post these screenshots. Pretty awesome to see our team and group in the mix.

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