COVID-19 - Leagues Suspended


No better obsession
Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Feb 15, 2015
Sea Cliff NY
Kind of surprised there isn't a thread for this already. Though granted I haven't been reading all other threads as much as usual.

Just wondering (a) who is planning to skip home games because of virus?

And (b) when MLS will opt for empty stadiums or if they will only do so if forced by government?
Kind of surprised there isn't a thread for this already. Though granted I haven't been reading all other threads as much as usual.

Just wondering (a) who is planning to skip home games because of virus?

And (b) when MLS will opt for empty stadiums or if they will only do so if forced by government?

MLS wont do it unless the local governments will tell them to do so. The only close ones so far are washington state and California who have sent out precaution and possibility of doing events closed doors but are not there just yet.

Seattles case may be a bit worse since a worker that worked the XFL game at century link got the virus but i dont think they have told sounders to play behind closed doors.
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I have no plans to stay away. I think there is a lot of overreaction to this.

My father died of the flu two years ago. One of 61,099 people to do so in the U.S. that year. I don't recall anyone closing stadiums back then.


The media has been fear mongering since day one and now they are covering how much people are going insane about buying up stock of cleaning supplies, sanitizers, and even TP.

It's pretty ridiculous and to be honest, I'm more worried about the crazy people with their misinformed prejudice than I am the virus.

The media has been fear mongering since day one and now they are covering how much people are going insane about buying up stock of cleaning supplies, sanitizers, and even TP.

It's pretty ridiculous and to be honest, I'm more worried about the crazy people with their misinformed prejudice than I am the virus.
but hey my work allows me to work from home until further notice so I might as well take up that offer.

Otherwise, yeah I don't care too much.
I'll be there. And because of the way it's spread, unless someone is coughing in to your mouth, or you are going around licking your hand after grasping a railing or a subway pole, you're not gonna catch the virus at a football game.
wait.. are you saying you don't already do this?

lol honestly a chance to shake hands has not is same people. havent gone drinking with friends in about a little over a month before this all got crazy.
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The quarantine has already been broken
The only reason we have so few cases is because we’re testing practically no one
You probably have already interacted with someone that is a carrier
Fear will commence in the next 4-8 weeks
The younger you are, the milder this virus is
The older you are, the more deadly this virus is
If you are elderly or have ore-existing conditions, this is deadlier than the flu
If you’re younger and relatively healthy, you’re probably going to be fine
The warmer it gets, the less of an issue this will be
True mortality rate will probably settle in at about 0.5% in developed nations

- per a former CDC head to our company on Wednesday night
The quarantine has already been broken
The only reason we have so few cases is because we’re testing practically no one
You probably have already interacted with someone that is a carrier
Fear will commence in the next 4-8 weeks
The younger you are, the milder this virus is
The older you are, the more deadly this virus is
If you are elderly or have ore-existing conditions, this is deadlier than the flu
If you’re younger and relatively healthy, you’re probably going to be fine
The warmer it gets, the less of an issue this will be
True mortality rate will probably settle in at about 0.5% in developed nations

- per a former CDC head to our company on Wednesday night

Truth is, they dont know how temperature will effect the virus. If it behaves like the flu then it may get better... But if it behaves like the flu it may also come back a lot worse in the fall. It could mutate too.

We simply don't know enough right now, but the amount of fear and misinformation being spread around is just terrible.

But for the most part I agree with your post.
The quarantine has already been broken
The only reason we have so few cases is because we’re testing practically no one
You probably have already interacted with someone that is a carrier
Fear will commence in the next 4-8 weeks
The younger you are, the milder this virus is
The older you are, the more deadly this virus is
If you are elderly or have ore-existing conditions, this is deadlier than the flu
If you’re younger and relatively healthy, you’re probably going to be fine
The warmer it gets, the less of an issue this will be
True mortality rate will probably settle in at about 0.5% in developed nations

- per a former CDC head to our company on Wednesday night
Those are all solid points of information.

The real issue as a society with be when the supply chains begin to sputter and fail. Many companies have already mandated 30 day travel restrictions as an initial response, both internationally and domestically (min, my wife’s, many friends’). That will surely be extended past a month. However, the issue will spike when the b2b supply chain services have employees affected that reduce the levels of product taken to market. People prepping wasn’t specifically about having food/supplies when home-ridden, but more pointedly as a backup if stores aren’t restocked in a standard/timely manner.
CV is not the flu. It is a mutated form of SARS. A layman’s understanding of flu applied to this situation will steer you wrong.
We have no way of knowing how many people have it because there are very few tests available and the virus is transmitted by asymptomatic carriers.
This isn’t like a movie pandemic where there will be body bags in the street, but many of us will get this and it is unpleasant.
Don’t let Gen Z indifference and random shit you read on social media convince you otherwise.

Though Santa Clara county health officials recommend that all large events be cancelled, the Quakes are going forward with their game this weekend. The Quakes recommend that anyone with health issues or over 50 stay home. They say nothing about refunds or credits for those who take their advice. I guess team 50 is just f#cked. It’s also the only time I have seen the age risk defined that low, which gives me the impression they are going all out to cover their asses while not costing themselves anything.
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I’m kind of in between on this. I’ve worked in retail since I was 15. I’ve never had the flu and the last time I was really sick was a stomach bug and that was about 6 years ago. I wash my hands regularly and don’t bite my nails or do hand to face contact. There’s 2 kids in the house, a 5 year old and a 2 year old and I haven’t got anything from them. I’m a bit of a germaphobe. I was in our break room a few weeks ago before all this COVID stuff mattered. I was eating my chicken tender lunch with a fork and knife and someone walked in, coughed and said ‘just so you know I’m judging you right now.’ Well, yeah you’re sick and I’m not how’s the sore throat?
The issue with this virus is that people can be sick with it and have little to no symptoms and still pass it to others.
I haven’t read to much about survivors and their ordeal until a British man from Wuhan shared his ordeal. Healthy and only 25 years old.
So despite his age and health he had a very very bad time with this virus.
I think one thing that we have to consider with the early cases like his is that they brushed off their symptoms to being just a cold and felt they can ride it out.
I think the majority of people that catch this virus now are fearing the worst earlier than 25 days in with pneumonia. That will help with controlling the spread and lowering the death rate.
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