MLS Fantasy Round 9


Mar 19, 2014
Down & Out
Don't forget to get you transfers and lineups set. Deadline today is 7:00, when the Red Bulls take on Orlando.

So, how'd we do last week? I won both my H2H matches. I scored 92 points and blew out one opponent by 48 (looks like he's one of those guys who joined and already quit. For the love of God, he had Poku in his starting lineup. :D ).

My other match was an out and out pisser. I'm in 2nd place in League 3572 and I played the guy who is in first. There was a lot of angst for me going into that SKC v Galaxy match Sunday night as I was trailing at that point and I needed my SKC players to come through for me. I was also punching myself in the face, because I gave the "C" to Giovinco and not Villa.

To make a long and boring story short, I ended up winning 92-90, because instead of Villa or Gio, my opponent gave his "C" to Piatti. Go figure.......

What say you this week?
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I actually/finally won both my H2H matches last week and am now COMPLETELY PARALYZED AND UNABLE TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO MY TEAM
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I guess this wasn't the right week to drop an underperforming piatti
Last week I captained him on a DGW and he did nothing. This week I switched the captain to Gio, but forgot to save it.
I notice my mistake Friday night after the Orlando/RB game, and forego auto subs just so I can still make Gio my captain instead of Piatti.
Then Piatti puts up 18 to Gio's 9.
One of my matches this week was against a guy who is down towards the bottom of the table. As luck would have it he's a Columbus Crew fanboy, and of course he's got both Kamara (C) and Higuain in his lineup. I think I can catch him today if Villa bags 5. :rolleyes:

I got myself into a hole over on the Premier League fantasy, because early in the season I loaded up with far too many Chelsea players and stayed too long with them. Looks like I'm heading in the same direction in MLS fantasy, because of the SKC players I've been playing.

I might stay with them one more round due to the DGW they have coming up, but Feilhaber and Dwyer have been killing me.
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One of my matches this week was against a guy who is down towards the bottom of the table. As luck would have it he's a Columbus Crew fanboy, and of course he's got both Kamara (C) and Higuain in his lineup. I think I can catch him today if Villa bags 5. :rolleyes:

I thought they both lost points for the PK hissy fit.
meh. This guy is almost at rock bottom, because he has 4 Crew players in is starting line up. The week I get him, Kamara (C) & Higuain alone combine for 38 points. That's fantasy. oy
Leading in my H2H all weekend and then mataritta comes in and screws me. And I wasn't even upset :)
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